Your band, perfectly organised.

Easily share information with the band, from setlists to upcoming gigs.


and why we use it ourselves


Keep everything organised

No more endless searching through Dropbox, Google Docs or messages in WhatsApp. BandHub gives you one place for all your band's information, including setlists, performances, song notes and more. Everything you need, right where you expect it.


See upcoming events

Keep track of all your events. With BandHub, you can easily view all your upcoming gigs, rehearsals, and recordings in one place. Know exactly when and where you need to be, and keep your band in sync with a clear schedule thatโ€™s always up to date.


Create setlists

Build your perfect setlist with ease. BandHub lets you quickly select songs, see their duration, and organise your set for any event. You can even export your setlist to share or print, so everyone is on the same page when itโ€™s time to perform.


Store song notes

Keep all your song notes in one place. With BandHub, you can store essential details like lyrics, song durations, and specific instructions (e.g., who starts or who performs the solo). Key information can also appear on your setlist as reminders, ensuring your band stays in sync during performances.

We music

and keeping our bands organised